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Average performance of Sahasam and failure of commercial flick Shadow have completely clouded the chances of this spicy Punjabi beauty with a dark paint. But that doesn't stop her from getting into other businesses.

Popular Hollywood hero Vin Diesel's latest movie 'Riddick' is going to be released worldwide soon and its dubbing version will hit all over India simultaneously. What comes as a surprise package with this flick is spicy heroine Taapsee. Yes, we are going to hear Taapsee's voice dubbed for heroine character played by Katie Sackhoff in Riddick. Also Taapsee will dub not just for Telugu version of the flick, but for Hindi and Tamil too she is going to showcase her voice talent. What's so magical about her voice, is something we should hear on silver screen.
At a time when chances are getting minimized in Tollywood, the Dubbing Business surely wonders as to why Taapsee is picking them. Let us see what the slender seductress will actually say about it.
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