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'Caste Talk' has worried the organisers of this award show and for that they have changed the winner of one particular award. Generally awards committees feel it tough due to lobbying but this is the first time they got worried because of a different thing.

The organiser of this awards function, a big supporter of this event and a family that is expected to bag awards at the event, all belongs to same community. Ultimately that led to the ire of few critics and they lashed at the organiser that his acts are sending a negative signal to industry folks. Fearing this negative image, he immediately consulted the 'family' that supports him and got permission to change the winner of particular award. Though many awards committees in India have picked one particular hero for that award, this Award Committed picked another hero. And, all that is due to the caste factor that worried them. That's the story folks, imagine the characters yourself.
But seriously one should not feel bad if one particular community walks away with many awards. When one particular community is dominating scenario, we couldn't demand reservation like in Constitution of India except checkmating them with talent.
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