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Roja shared her views about her political life, when she had a chit-chat with the reporters. Besides this, she shared some intersting facts on working with actor Venkatesh.”Because of the difference of opinion with Venkatesh, there are not many films in our combination”, says Roja.
She just did one film namely ‘Pokiri Raja’ with Venkatesh. When Roja’s husband and popular director RK Selvamani was in his prime form, he planned a film with Venkatesh and the film even went to sets. However, Venkatesh deserted this project and preferred to work in a remake of the Tamil hit film ‘China Gounder’ titled ‘China Rayudu’. As the project was halted, Selvamani perhaps felt very bad.
The difference of opinion went on further, when ‘Pokiri Raja’ shooting was on sets, Roja expressed her inability to attend the shooting on her husband Selvamani’s birthday. Despite Venkatesh requested her to attend the film shooting, she refused leaving to Chennai, understandably to celebrate her husband’s birthday, which was more important to her. From then onwards, the difference of opinion with Venkatesh continued to grow.
Even when the Tamil film ‘Unnidaatil Ennai Koduthen’ film was remade as ‘Raja’ in Telugu, another heroine was given a chance, instead of her, and that character earned the Tamil Nadu state government award.
Likewise, Darsekendra Raghavendra Rao too did not like her for reasons best known to him. She got an opportunity in ‘Mugguru Monagallu’ film, directed by him because Chiranjeevi had insisted to put her as the heroine. Again in Annamayya film, she bagged a chance because of Mohanbabu.
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