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Hamsanandini caught in prostitution case, Hamsa Nandini caught in sex scandal, Hamsa Nandini red handedly caught in prostitution case, Hamsanandini caught in sting operation
We know that many heroines and small screen actress are red handedly caught in prostitution cases . In the most unfortunate development, very pretty Bong girl and Kotha Bangaru Lokam fame Swetha Basu Prasad was caught red handed running a prostitution racket.
In a sting operation conducted by a popular media channel, the actress revealed her price to serve men and It was also learnt that she has revealed two other heroines’ names.
The sting operation of the channel was creating sensation in film circles and the channel is gearing up to publish 10 hidden stories in which some hush-hush facts about item girl Hamsanandini [‘Anumanaspadam’ fame] and many other big names of Tollywood will be disclosed in this month every alternate week.
It’s quite a shock to many as to why the named girls are turning to the darker side to earn money.
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