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Actress, senior heroine Kushboo is known for her dare talks many a times when she opened mouth about premarital sex or about lip kissing on silver screen. But that doesn't make her responsible to attend and answer every single problem in the society.

Few fanatic fans have demanded that Kushboo should focus on cars that are wandering in Chennai city without any number plate. What on earth would Kushboo will anyway care about the number-plate less cars is the big question here. Reacting on these demands, Kushboo stated that she is bold woman who fights for the well being and right of women, but not for cars that don't have number plates. Also she pointed out that few fanatics actually want to pinch her that way with unwanted stuff, as she stands tall for being bold.
It is a generally perception that celebrities should talk about all issues and then every issue gets solved. But reality is that even if celebrities sit in powerful chairs, nothing is going to happen so easily until change is brought from roots.
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